Recommendations based on the PJ Nicholoff Steroid Protocol

Timeline and dosing
  1. Initial discussion

    Discuss use of steroids with family

  2. Begin steroid regimen

    • Before substantial physical decline

    • After discussion of side-effects

    • After nutrition consultation

  3. Recommended starting dose

    • Prednisone or prednisolone 0.75 mg/kg per day


    • Deflazacort 0.9 mg/kg per day

  4. Dosing changes

    If side-effects unmanageable or intolerable

    • Reduce steriods by 25–33%

    • Reassess in 1 month

    If functional decline

    • Increase steroids to target dose per weight on the basis of starting dose

    • Reassess in 2–3 months

  5. Use in non-ambulatory stage

    • Continue steroid use but reduce dose as necessary to manage side-effects
    • Older steroid-naive patients might benefit from initiation of a steroid regimen