Endocrinologist Footnote 1

The endocrinologist manages key impacts of DMD

Endocrine abnormalities in DMD are common and impactful, and include:

Impaired growth

  1. Growth assessments

    Assess height every 6 months until completion of puberty and attainment of final height

  2. Impaired growth signs

    Any of the following:

    • Downward crossing of height percentile
    • Height velocity of <4 cm/year
    • Height <3rd percentile
  3. Refer to endocrinologist

  4. Recommended
    • Assessment of bone age with left-hand X-ray
    • Thyroid function tests
    • Coeliac panel
    • Growth factors
    • Comprehensive metabolic panel
    • Complete blood count
    To be considered
    • Growth hormone stimulation testing

Delayed puberty

  1. Puberty assessments

    Physical assessment of pubertal status by Tanner staging every 6 months, starting by 9 years of age

  2. Delayed puberty signs

    Testicular volume <4 cm Footnote 3 at age 14 years or older

  3. Refer to endocrinologist

  4. Recommended

    Laboratory assays:

    • Luteinising hormone
    • Follicle-stimulating hormone
    • Testosterone
    To be considered
    • Assessment of bone age with left-hand X-ray

Adrenal insufficiency

  • Endocrinologists should be involved in managing glucocorticoid use, to prevent adrenal insufficiency via appropriate steroid tapering and patient education
  • Endocrinologists should assist with the initiation of steroids using the PJ Nicholoff Steroid Protocol